KBN EZ Cleared

Max, King, Sneak, Slightlyinsain, Snert, Savari

Krolin EZ Cleared

Snert, Sneak and Savari

At 1st Boss ToSH HM

Max, King, Mc, Jango, Summer, Dark, Nanners, Savari, Aster, Skylia and Grummpy

Providence Guild Castle

Showing off those level 2 walls we all worked so hard for. :D

Providence Capping Guild Crystal

This is an old one. To many people to name them all. :D

Monday, April 29, 2013

Class List With Elite Skills

As of Chapter 5, there are currently 3 races and 10 classes to choose from. With the triple class system there are any number of combinations you can choose to play.

Dwarf Only:
Class Restrictions - Cannot become Knight, Druid, Warden, Scout.


Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, 1-H Hammer, 1-H Axe, Wand, 2-H Sword, 2-H Hammer, 2-H Axe,     2-H Staff.
Gear - Cloth, Leather, Chain.

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 


Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, Wand, Staff
Gear - Cloth

Skills - 

Elite Skills -


Elf Only:
Class Restrictions - Cannot become Knight, Priest, Champion, Warlock.

Weapons - 1-H Hammer, Wand, Staff
Gear - Cloth

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 

Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, 1-H Axe. 2-H Sword, 2-H Axe, Staff
Gear - Cloth, Leather, Chain

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 


Human Only:
Class Restrictions - Cannot become Druid, Warden, Champion, Warlock.

Weapons - 1-H Sword, 1-H Hammer, 2-H Sword, 2-H Hammer
Gear - Cloth, Leather, Chain, Plate, Shield*

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 


All Races:
* Please note that Scout is only available to Elf and Human and Priest only to Human and Dwarf*

Weapons - Dagger, Wand, Staff
Gear - Cloth

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 

Weapons - 1-H Hammer. Wand. Staff
Gear - Cloth, Shield


Elite Skills - 

Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, Projectiles
Gear - Cloth, Leather

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 

Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, Bow, Crossbow
Gear - Cloth Leather

Skills - 

Elite Skills - 

Weapons - Dagger, 1-H Sword, 1-H Axe, 1-H Hammer, 2-H Sword, 2-H Axe, 2-H Hammer, Wand, Staff
Gear - Cloth, Leather, Chain, Shield*

Skills - 

Elite Skills -
Warrior/ Mage


In addition to General, Primary and Elite skills, there are also Item Set Skills. Item set skills are extracted from Hard Mode instance gear. Item set skills stop after ToSH. As of right now Champions and Warlocks have no item set skills and I have not heard when they may be put in for those two classes.



If you have any questions, please feel free to message me on Facebook, in game or leave a comment here and I will do my best to help.

Have a great one!!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Useful Foods

Let me start by saying thank you to Maxxinepadd for finding all of the different level cooking recipes for me so I could actually write this post. Thanks Maxxi. :D

Food makes a big difference in your attack/damage power, defense, critical hits and a lot of other things. Many high level burn rotations start with popping certain foods before any actual skill is used. I've done my best, with Max's help, to come up with a suitable list of foods many of the different classes use. I started with the 55 food because that is typically where I start using foods, as that is normally when I first start running instances such as HoS, ZS, DL, etc. There has been a long, ongoing discussion on whether it is better to use attack or damage food at certain points in the game. Personally, on my Mage/Warden I have always used mdam food. I have just always seen a higher damage output with it than with mattk food. I use mdam food on my P/K as well but that's because mdam affects heals whereas mattk does not. So, all in all it will be up to you to decide which kind of food you want to use. Experiment with it and see what gives you a better damage output. You might notice in some instances you will have higher damage output with an attack food over a damage food and vice versa. It all basically comes down to how you want to play. :D

Level 55

     Doom's Banquet
     Dragon's Banquet

     Dinner of the Gods
     Ritual Eucharist

     Exquisite Tea Scented Waffle

Level 60

     Lightly Burnt Ribs
     Lightly Burnt Fish

     Lettuce Sandwich
     Loaf of Magic Hard Bread

     Chocolate Cake

Level 65

     Spiced Rack of Ribs
     Spiced Roast Fish

     Meat Sandwich
     Loaf of Handmade Black Bread


Level 70

     Broiled Ribs
     Broiled Fish

     Fried Egg Sandwich
     Light Fluffy Bread

     Butter Cream Cake

There are some foods that you will use no matter what class you are or, in some cases, how high your level is.

     Caviar Sandwich

     Garlic Bread - Healer food
     Moti Blended Sausage

     Rainbow Crystal Candy
     Grassland Mix - This is not a food that is made from a recipe. It is a codex food.

This is just a run down of the basic foods that many people use. Each named food is linked to it's page at runesdatabase.com. Try it out and see what works best for you. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Facebook, in game or leave a comment here and I'll do my best to help. Also, if you know of something that got missed, let me know. :D

Have a great one!!

Wedding Food

This is a new thing that was put into the game a few patches back. The buffs from these foods are well worth having and they are pretty cheap to acquire. Again, a big thanks to BB from PPK for explaining the Wedding Food buying process for us. You can find his video here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6I3iTB_qLxA

I posted screenshots of the descriptions because it's hard to see for yourself in BB's video and this way you have a reference for which food you need without having to watch the entire video over again.

Have a great one!!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Zodiac Pets

RoM's Chapter 5 brought with it not only the dwarves but a new type of pet as well. The Zodiac pet. Zodiacs are very beneficial, even at low levels, both yours and theirs. These pets can not be obtained the same way you can get a regular pet. Zodiacs are ONLY acquired by participating in the in-game events. The  actual pet stones and the elements needed to grow the pet are bound, so you won't be finding any in the Auction House. Yep, that means you actually have to DO the events to get both of the required materials for making this kind of pet. Sorries. :p Having them is well worth the effort though.

Now, on to the links I've found on the topic.

This one is from the actual RoM website. It just gives basic info on the pets, their types and their buffs:

Now this one is from Rom-Welten. It gives a better understanding of what all is needed to grow the pets to all 3 levels and gives in depth descriptions on the buffs you can get from each level:

Please, please, please remember, I can NOT stress the enough, when you first summon your adult pet you will choose a buff. This is the buff you are stuck with for that pet (in it's adult form) until you level it to it's legendary form. The same goes for a legendary pet. When you first summon it you will choose a buff and you WILL be stuck with that buff, there's no level higher than legendary, so please, please, please read carefully before choosing. The pets are not exactly cheap to make in terms of charges required to transmute the elements into the needed materials, so you don't want to be stuck with a legendary pet with a xp/tp/drop rate buff when you really wanted an hp/mp buff. As a side note, as of right now* legendary and adult pet buffs stack, i.e. they do not cancel each other out. So, for example, let's say I have a Legendary Taurus pet with a hp/mp buff (7% max hp/mp increase) and an Adult Gemini pet with a hp/mp buff (5% max hp/mp increase). I summon them both, one after the other, I end up with a total of a 12% max hp/mp increase. Nice huh? See, I told you they were well worth the effort of doing the in-game events. :D

*I say right now because we aren't sure if this is a bug or if it is truly meant to work this way. Knowing RoM, it could be either/or.

There's really nothing more I can explain that the Rom-Welten site doesn't explain better. As always, ya'll can still feel free to message me on Facebook, in game or leave a comment here, if you have a question. I'll do my best to answer it. :D

Have a great one!!


Pets are an important part of your adventures in RoM. Not only do they provide a companion that doesn't argue with you while questing (that's debatable though because my pets all talk to dang much), they also provide attribute increases and have several active skills that can be utilized at random intervals. I know I have personally asked many, MANY questions about how the pet system works. What is the best way to level my pet? How do I get my pet's aptitude up? Etc, etc, etc. I've had many people ask me the same questions. My answer? I cheat. I use the potions from the Cash Shop to level my pet and to also raise the apt. Some people aren't pay to play though and need to know other ways of dealing with their pets. So, on that note, I scoured the forums and other sites for everything I could possibly find about the pet system and the pets themselves. I hope this helps.

This is by far the best newbie guide I have found as far as the explanation of the pet system goes:
Newbie Guide to Pets - http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=53601

This one tells more about merging pets:
A Complete Guide to Pets - http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=44260

This is a general overview of pets from the RoM Wiki:
Magic Pets - http://runesofmagic.gamepedia.com/Magic_Pets

Another one from the RoM Wiki, this one tells the locations of the Pet Hunters and also the pet transformation potions that can be found in the Cash Shop:
Pets - http://runesofmagic.gamepedia.com/Pets

Another generalized page. This one is from the actual RoM Website:
Tutorial - Pets - http://us.runesofmagic.com/pets.html

Here is a very in depth one from the forums that starts you off with catching your first pet:
Bigger New Pet Guide with pictures and better understanding - https://forum.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=243862

This is a list of the pets and their skills. I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is as it was posted in 2010, but I looked up my fungus pet on it and it had the right skills and values for it:
RoM Pets list & skills - http://romwiki.org/blog/runes-of-magic-pets-list-skills/

Youtube video by Solissfoon (he's the one you see in World Chat giving away free stuff for answering questions and such, lol) describing the pet system:
Pet Guide! (part1) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI9k4awhqBs

There are several more guides and videos out there, these are just the best that I found. If, after you've gone through all of the information listed above, you still have questions about pets and how they work feel free to message me on facebook, in game or leave a comment here. I will try to help as best I can.

By the way, I left Zodiac pets out of this post on purpose. They deserve their own post since you interact differently with the zodiac pet system than you would with the regular pet system. That is next on my list of things to do. :D

Have a great one!!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Useful Links

These are just some links that I've found useful in my time playing RoM.

RoM Wiki - http://runesofmagic.gamepedia.com/Runes_of_Magic_Wiki

Runesdatabase - http://www.runesdatabase.com/ - The info listed on this page is only up to date as far as patch 5.0.0.

RoM Welten - http://rom.onlinewelten.com/?sec=1

Curse - http://www.curse.com/addons/rom

Curseforge - http://rom.curseforge.com/addons/

Official RoM Forums - http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/forumdisplay.php?f=272 - You can actually find some useful info on the forums if you dig deep enough. :D

Bleedingblak's channel on TwitchTV - http://www.twitch.tv/search?query=i1own0u#stq=i1own0u&stp=1 - Twitch is wanting to be a pain this morning so this is the search query address for his channel instead of his actual channel. >.< BB live streams alot of PPK's sieges and instance runs. It's a learning experience to be sure.

Reduce Siege Crashes - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuc6-ptO2aY - Big thanks to BB from PPK for this one. It's definitely something I will be doing for siege from now on seeing as tho I crash on average 3-4 times in a 30 minute siege time frame.

That's all I've got for now. I'm sure later I will think of more but it's still early and I don't think I'm all the way awake yet, but at least I got this post up before I forgot about it again. :D

Have a great one!

Saturday, April 6, 2013

ToSH & Blackhand links

Was looking for Tosh run on youtube, found this little gem:


Player is Booobs: pretty long time op player who runs with Druffbaum if I remember from forums.

Booobs youtube username: MocniTROL


KBN HM bosses - PPK youtube links

To see strats used on bosses in KBNHM, I found BleedingBlak's videos and Nameisboy's videos are the best to see what happens during a boss fight.

Bleedingblak's youtube name: ihavetourettesxx


Nameisboy's youtube name: Ace Han


KBNHM boss videos:

1: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fa5RPG84IsE

2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoGkfuZw-5E&feature=youtu.be

3: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EYFUkfnOvV0

4: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a-wTvW4mRPY

5: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ns26hHaU-i0

6 & 7: watch full runs and move marker to middle or end to find:

a.  Mar 4, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CkW8ApF_djI

b. Mar 19, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OUypd8P9rvo

c. Mar 23, 2013: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD_eTKN3km0

General Instance Info - Mystic Altar to RT, and GCHM (repeat of an old post of mine)

Word of Warning - These are old guides from an old post. Some things might have changed in the tactics since then especially in gchm. Otherwise, should be a good general guide of what you need to do be able to run the instances.

Also if you're planning to read this, it might be better to copy and paste the entire post into Microsoft Word.  I had to manually add the paragraph spaces, so it looks weird in blog. __________________________________________________________________________________________ So I've heard alot of people complaining they don't know how to run instances or what the requirements for instances are, so I will be answering the second question. What requirements should you meet to effectively run an instance:

This first guide is Mystic Altar to Raksha Temple:

This next one is for Grafu Castle:


Hope you find these helpful :)

(This is a posting of the content from the sites linked above. Posting just in case the requirement sites get shut down.)

This is:

Just found this and thought it was great!! I wanted to share because I think alot of people should see this.

Instance abbreviations
MA – Mystic Altar
Clops - Cyclops
Lair Kalin's - Kalin Shrine
TT- Treasure Trove
HoTO - Heart of the Ocean
Origin - The Origin
HoS – Hall of Survivors
ZS - Zurhidon Stronghold
LODD - Lair of the Demon Dragon
DL -Hall of the Demon Lord
DOD – Dungeon of Dalanis
WA - Warnorken Arena
RT - Raksha Temple

Here are a list of the instances, and what the req's are.
MA or under - quest gear will be fine.

Clops - 4-6k hp min, blue weapons will do.

Kalin's - 6-8(10?)k hp will do fine.

HoTO - big jump here, but even still, statted in whites with 35, 30, and 40 greens, your group should do fine. 10-15k hp for dps/heals, 15-20k for tanks. mages do especially well in this instance.

Origin - like HoTO, with the only exception being the razor lurker fight. Do it often, and with the strategy, you should be able to clear it with a flurry of yellow VII from HoTO(or by current means, mementos in Dalanis, which are easily obtained.) The other option is to burn through the fight, but tanks should have 40k+ hp at that point. Mages do especially well in this instance HoS - big jump, group should have at the very minimum 15-20k hp, with tanks having 30 or 35k+ for a "safe" group setup. You should have a majority being purple gear by this point. Mages do especially well in this instance. Note; this is where the group has to start to learn to pull strategically, and not with the tank aggro'ing the room.

ZS - a smidge harder than HoS; but upping everyones' hp by around 10k (20-25 for dps/heals, 40-45 for tanks) it should be clearable. Nothing under purple(accessories, meh) and no greens. Note; dont underestimate the mobs.

LODD - one boss, not long, but needed to kill Sirloth, the 4th boss of DL.

DL - well, you can see where the pattern leads; 40-55k hp, 25-30k for dps/heals. DOD - everyone must have at least 20k hp for first boss. Normally, you farm the first boss; 35-40k hp tank, 20k+ dps/heals.

WA - another gear check instance, tanks must have at least 65k+ hp, 80k+ pdef, and 10-15k patk. Not sure about dps, but 30+ should do fine.

RT - Tanks minimum 60k hp unbuffed, 100k pdef, 20k patk. DPS minimum 35k hp (i recommend 40k), 30k+ patk/matk, level 60 for whole party. More or less, the general ideology is, well if your group is able to clear one instance, by theoretic means, they -should- be able to clear the one diretly over it. If they can't, then using a few upgrades here and there from what you can kill, will allow you to do so. ie: if you can clear hoto, and Life Leecher(first boss Origin) but not razor lurker+, then farm LL for a bit, use the gear and upgrades from that, and go from there.

Clops - Dragonfang ridge. Attunment: Yes (quest chain)

Kalin's - Dust Devil Canyon. Attunment: No TT - Ravenfell. Attunment: Yes (quest chain)

HoTO - Weeping Coast. Attunment: Yes (quest chain)

Origin - Aslan Valley, in the Jade Forest. Attunement: No

HoS - Silverspring. Attunment: No

ZS - Autoulia Volcano. Attunment: Yes (Kill Sharleedah)

DL - Autoulia Volcano. Attunment: Yes (clear ZS)

DoD - Thunderhoof Hills. Attunment: No

WA - Southern Janaost Forest. Attunment: No

RT - Northern Janost Forest, Requires Angren quest chain (or teleport runes)

As far as group setups go,
Clops - Tank, Haler, 4 dps.
Kalin`s - Tank, Healer, 4 dps. TT - Tank, Healer, 4 dps.
HoTO - Used to be that you needed two healers, but with a group heal of over 10k, it should be, Tank, Healer, Mage, 3 dps. If not, then, Tank, Healer, Healer, Mage, and 2 dps.
Origin - Tank, Healer, Mage. 3 dps.
HoS - Tank, 2 Mages, 2 Healers, 7 dps.
ZS - Tank, 2 Mages, 2 Healers, 7 dps.
DL - Tank, 2 Mages, 2 Healers, 7 dps.
DoD - Tank, Healer, 4 dps. Alternatly, Tank, 2 Healers, 3 dps.
WA - Tank, Healer, 4 dps. Alternatly again, Tank 2 Healers, 3 dps.
RT - 1 Tank, 3 DPS, 1 Healer, 1 Mage or 1 Tank, 4 DPS, 1 Healer. (2 Healers Recommended to ease the healing difficulty of bosses)

Note; These numbers are based on a -normal- group, following the thoery in my last post. Of course if you`re overgeared, these values are less. I`ve 5-manned ZS, solo`d Clops, and duo`d DoD first boss farms with a scout. I`m a Knight lol.

Mana/Matk/Patk/Wep Tier.
MA - quest gear will be fine in all four areas.

Clops - 3-8k, 2-4k, 2-5k tier 5 and 6 are fine. Statted in dirty 3-stat green X and XI will let you excel here.

Kalin's - 5-7k, 3.5k, 3-6k, tier 5 and 6(7?) are fine. again, dirty-statted greens will get you in here. White/green gear stops here.

IDK - 6-8k, 4k, 3-6k, t7(6?) are fine. Puri-statted greens with VI yellows will do nicely.

TT - See above. HoTO - 9-11k, 4k, 5k, t7 purple.

Origin - 9-11k, 5-6k, 6-7k, t7 purple. (yellows from HoTO to get here)

HoS - 16-18k, 9-10k, 9-10k, t7(8?) purple. (must be puri-statted in yellows)

LODD - 16-20k, 10-12k, 10-12k, t7.

ZS - 18+, 10-15k, 10-15k, t7-8.

DL - 18+, 12-17k, 12-17k, t8. DoD - 16+, 15-20k, 15-20k, t7-8.

WA - 20+ 20k+, 20k+, t8(9)

RT - 30-40k, 25-30, 30-45, t8(9) Hope this info will help you and your group. -Cheers,

This one is:

Grafu Castle Hard Level Requirements:
65+ Bosses: 7 Raidable instance(12-man)

Minimum requirements (unbuffed):
Tank: 120k hp 180k pdef, good aggro
DDs: 50k Patt/Matt, RT dia T10 +16 weap, 60k HP
Priest: 100k+ GH, 80k HP
Druid: good heal, 60k HP
Reccomended party 1 Tank, 1 high-hp DD (130k+ buffed), 6 DDs, 3P, 1D

I. Trashmobs
There are quite a few different types of mobs, some of them quite deadly for the party. Pay attention when aggroing patrols.
Castle clown - small mob that stuns and does very short range aoe. Mdam immunity food or skills (leopard, HA, shield of truth) work against their stun. Everyone, especially tank, should use this before aggroing large groups.
Armors (Steel Soldier)- dangerous mobs with quite high (100k+ hits on non-/k) close range "Whirlwind" AOE.
Manipulated Steel Soldier- Either have the tank keep them away from party or assign 2 players to interrupt their "Whirlwind" skill.
Cursed Steel Soldier- you can't interrupt these It's highly advisable for melee to always keep an eye on them if they want to avoid countless runs to repair NPC during the run.
 Jumping Clowns - Just watch out for their skill - Heavy Shielding. Have someone interrupt it or go away, it's 1hit AOE.
Brown Bears - Small bears that give fear. Have the tank Charge on them and the rogues SP in order to avoid getting feared.
Purple Bears - Bigger bears that can't be CCd. Kill them fast to avoid trouble. Conjurer Apprentice - Treat them as 1st priority kill. Easy to kill but after some time they put a party member in a hat. When the hat is gone, it will do high-dmg medium range AOE that usually means wipe. Better to kill before this happens.


1. Cayus
This boss has two skills:
1. Juggler's Trick - close range AOE, high damage
 2. What About That... - long cast. After it you enter colors phase:
 - Every party member gets a colored debuff and has 8sec time limit to click a box. You can check your debuff in 2 ways: in the debuff interface or easier by reading the yellow text on the screen.
- At the end of the cast you'll get either fear or slowed down. Position yourself close to the middle and use "/kneel" macro if you get fear. Debuffs are: Purple Terror - you must click the box on the purple square Still Dusk - you must click the box on the red square Indigo Melancholy - you must click the box on the green square -Clicking the box deals 55k dmg.
 -Boss does a non-cast frontal AOE when the debuff runs out and after it will start casting Juggler's Trick. Good to know:
 - It's almost impossible to click boxes if boss or pets or players are on them. remove pets at first "What about that..." cast
- use speed title/maid potion if you have

2. Ardmond + Isaac
Both bosses should be killed at same time and tanked separately.

1.If Isaac is killed first Aardmond enters rage, and does high hits.

2.If Ardmond is killed first Isaac does random charges on party members. Popular tactic is burning down Isaac first then Armond. When tanking Armond enraged, the tank must avoid his AOE [Feral Attack] or it's high chance he dies. It's best for tank to use Holy Shield when Isaac is almost dead.

3. Boro Boro Brothers
Easy Tactic: The main thing you must know is
- If you see your name with yellow on screen, run away from the rest. Some players will get imprisoned in stoned, kill stones when you see them.

 Full Tactic: In this fight, this boss talks a lot. You must pay attention at what he says, and read the yellow text on the screen. He'll say the name of that player and what he'll do to him:
 1. , try out being imprisoned hehehe. At the end of "Iron Maiden Imprisonment" he traps in an 1M hp stone. You must kill the stone so he survives.
2. , let the rapture of pain course through your being. He says that then starts casting "Acupuncture Torment". At the end of the cast, will do a 90% MAX HP AOE + 4% HP dot. Him and everyone close is in danger of dying. Pop-up a phirius pot not to die, or ask priests to use SS or time the GH to hit just after the cast ends. Best is that player runs away from the party so only him will get hit.
3. You think you can escape, ? Aggro buff.
4. Conjurer Chapeaunoir + You'll see some rabbits, catching them will summon the boss.

a) Hats
This boss will randomly put 1-3 party members in hats depending on how big the party is (4-12). If you get teleported and find yourself in a small room search for a rabbit. Kill the rabbit. It will absorb damage at start, you keep shooting until it's dead then inform the party. - failing to kill the rabbit and clicking hat - you'll get out of the hat with one of these debuffs: rabbit, squirrel or flower.
All close to you will catch this debuff and usually ends up in wipe. It can be cleaned. - killing the rabbit and failing to click the hat - you'll get out of the hat and do 80% HP medium range AOE dmg Three people will get big and have their HP/damage lowered. If you're big, you can click the hats. Wait until the person inside kills the rabbit, then go click the hat to free him.

If there's more than one person in hats, you can click on his name in raid interface and you'll have his hat selected.
b) Boss skills Conjure Energy - high dmg low range AOE Conjure Skill - frontal AOE Shuffle Deck - Aggro reset. - stop DD and let tank take back aggro. Since last patch the boss casts this skill then 1s later dissapears and spawns again. Tank wait for him to respawn before taking aggro. Good to know: As tank, keep the boss not facing the party, away from hats and from ranged DD/healers. Keep whirlwind shield available for Shuffle Deck. For more than 4 people some form of teamspeak is NEEDED.

The Road To Barkud
After 4th boss, everyone gather at the entrance to next room, but don't enter.
Do a countdown, and enter at the same time. You'll see a door closing behind.

The mobs.
Inside there are several types of mobs. You can only kill the bears, others will keep reviving until you do a trick to be able to pass this room.

Keep the bears CCd and kill them fast, to avoid unnecessary deaths. Have the tank aggro and kite the other mobs. Opening the door.

You will see several boxes scattered around the room and a torch on the left side. Your aim is to build a stair with these boxes to reach that torch. To pick-up a box, go really close to it and click it. You'll get it in your inventory. To place it, just right -click on it.

There is an NPC? on the opposite side of the room from where you enter. Have a player go talk? to it, he'll get a [Long Stick].

Have this player climb the stair you built and click on the torch. He'll get a flame buff for few seconds. There are several (4) green mobs around the room, he has to run to them and use them. They turn into zombies, you must kill and you get either a rusty or a gold key . Repeat this until you get the gold key. Use the gold key to open the doors, kill the mobs and you're through.

5. Larvanger Barkud + Before being able to attack the boss, you'll have to kill 8 waves of mobs. They can only be killed with tactics.
Mobs phase
As you enter you'll see a big room with 4 pillars on the side, and tables full of food. Some items on these tables will kill the mobs.

Use them in this order:
1. meat: placed it on the ground to aggro the mobs. Place only one at a time, in the middle of the room.
2. wine: cast on mobs to make them vulnerable to fire.
3. candle: cast it on mobs to set them on fire. If they have wine debuff, they will eventually die.
2a. soup: can be cast on mobs to lower their defence. Useful in theory if you can't kill the mobs using wine/candle or you can't find them. Mobs with soup on them get full damage from attacks, but they also have 3M hp and 2-hit tank if there's no meat on the ground. Have your party hide themselves behind these pillars, half on left and half on right.

-Assign 2 people as runners
- one on left, and one on right. They'll stay in the middle of the room on flanks. When mobs spawn, they'll aggro them. Have them run in "0"s with mobs after, until meat is placed.
-Assign one player to place meat. His job is to take a meat after each wave spawns and place it in the centre of the room.
-Assign one player on wine. He must cast wine on mobs after they gathered on meat.
-Assign one player on candles. After mobs have wine on them, he must cast candles.
-Tell the others to take soups in order to make room for the other 3 required items to spawn. Repeat this wave after wave.

Good to know:
- it's best to put tank and some high hp/pdef priest as runners, so they can survive one hit. -
 runner must use speed title and preferably speed maid potion.
- it's better to have a backup for every person doing the tactic.

Boss phase
After the 8 waves are done, and some time while he has his speech, the boss attacks. Tactic is simple, only skill you have to watch out is "Throw Poison". Have your party stay in a line and run in same direction one second after the cast is finished. Any mdam immunity skill/serenstum will give you enough time to comfortably move away from poison. His other skill is a debuff that kills if not cleaned. The boss sais "Pain is merely a process, [Player Name]" after he casts his debuff. You have 6 seconds to clean it, and it can only be cleaned by druid.

6. Herl Grafu
Easy boss. Has a buff that regens him and increases level every 2s. After 25-30s it's almost impossible to kill him. Have 2 players check on left and right side of the room and tell you if they find a puppet. Tell the tank to take the boss to the puppet and the DD to click it when the boss is close to it. After the cast is finished and the boss is close enough, it will enter rage and loose the regen. The tank has to use some kind of immunity/dmg reduction skill and run with the boss back to the party. After 20-30s, boss calms down and gets a mask buff+regen. You have ~15-20s to find another puppet or he'll 1hit tank (2x200k hits).

For boss 4-6 you can check this video here:


+ Best "popular" way to fight it is in the right corner of the room. This boss has 4 stages.

-Stage 1- Start the bossfight and wait for annelia to get transformed into demon. You will be able to DPS up to 90% after which anneia gets invulnerable.

-Stage 2- Two bears will spawn in the middle of the room, up where the boss was before you started the fight. They need to be split and killed at the same time. Have the tank take the left side one, and another high-hp DD from 2nd group the right one. The DD takes his boss on right and keeps it up, while 2nd group goes to him. The tank takes his bear back to down-right corner. They must be killed within 2s of each other, or you'll have to fight again.

-Stage 3- After bears are killed, have your raid regroup in the down-right corner. Boss 6 comes. He will spawn in the same place as the bears. Tank go aggro it and kill it fast.

-Stage 4- Tank&Spank heavy healing phase. Annelia becomes vulnerable again, with 59% HP left. From now it's mainly just tank and spank. Annelia gets a new 75% HP AOE, and stuns, and a new 400k HP bear spawns on party. He must be killed fast, as one DD becomes useless and the bear can easily kill party members.

The fun part:
During the whole boss fight, 4 small bears 800k HP each will spawn around the middle of the room. Each bear disappears after 8s and does 25% HP AOE (4x25% HP aoe). You have to assign one DD with AOE to aggro and kite them away from party + one priest to heal him. If that DD fails one time, it's wipe. The bears are fairly fast. You can use serenstrum to keep you alive one wave, soulbound is useful also.

Good to know:
- have all party use pheonix at the start of fight, otherwise your chance to kill at least in first tries are close to 0. - no AOEs except for the one assigned on small bears, unless you really like wiping

For marked bosses teamspeak is advisable or even required.

Clash of Good and Evil Epic Questline *COMPLETE UP TO NEXT ZONE*

*I did NOT compose this list. If there are any discrepancies I'm sorry, I just copied and pasted and reformatted the list for the group. Hope this helps everyone stay on track :D. Big thanks to Arayalna from the RoM forums for taking the time to list each and every quest. ~ Ili.*

Chrysalia – Clash of Good and Evil

 Royal Summons 
 (starts from Rorazan npc Yujin Angerfang).
Military Emergency 
(Walk a little off hill and an invasion starts. Kill all mobs).
Further Deliberations.
 Crictical Mission.
Meeting with Morrok 
(Go to Morrok in Camouflage).
Break the Device.
Remodeled Warrior Cull.
Missing Loub.
Opposite Ends of the Scale. 
Edge of Chaos.
Incredibly Obedient. 
Leave the Sanctuary.
Well-intentioned Deception.
Peace of Mind.
Young True Dragon Envoy 
(wait and a dragon appears).
Go to the Sanctuary.
(The little fairy guards (red mob) don't attack unless you attack 1 of them (and then all come to you with a kind of stackable form of poison you can't purify. If you pull them you WILL die...there's no immuning through it or anything else. Think worms in HotO !!!)
 First Meeting.
Voice of the Dragon. 
(talk to Morrok Wallinder).
(when you need to “go behind him” and Jill flies away, follow Jill. Completes around coordinates 26.7/19.4).
Kargath’s Concern.
The Lure of the Dark Side.
Where’d He Go? 
Garon Myrmex Report.
Garon’s Mutation
( elementals appear from ants that die around questgiver. Try another channel if you don’t see anything).
New Discovery.
Myrmex and Elementals.
War of the Death Passage.
Battlelines on the Brink. 
(a battle is going on at the battlefield. Kill the mobs and also next to the 2 npc's named in the quest so the assist one completes too)
Support the Omega Platform 
(Cornelia Asaak ports you).
Charging the Energy Crystal. 
(Click defensive crystal).
I Smell a Rat.
Urgent Matters. 
(Use the defensive Rune Set in backpack on the 2 npc’s).
Deep into Enemy Territory.
Prove Your Mettle.
Clue Fragments.
A House Division.
(flowers just outside cave, the Giant Reaction Bottle is at questgiver).
Kulech Annihlation 
(kill mobs, then go to Kulech Bones Nest. Stand on a sparkling spot and move mouse cursor around (in mid air). You see some tooth wheel you can click).
Battle Preparations. 
(npc Asax Nayla can walk around, but I found him after few channel changes at 47.7/46.4. He runs towards Garon Nest).
Rage Assault Camp. 
(npc ports from 1 camp to the other side. He can be found at 59.3/42.4. If not there wait a little till the npc’s circle ports back).
Freaky Seed. (Go to 66.7/31.0. Hand in at Sigourney at 59.3/42.4)
Turning the Tide.
Air Superiority. (Use the seed at the entrance, kill all Kulech and a dragon (Angry Earth Guardian) appears.
Going All In.
(turn in this quest with Woston when the Rage Assault Camp is closest to the Danfar Plant.)
Time Is Up.
(get this quest from Sigourney when the Rage Assault Camp is furthest fromt he Danfar Plant. This quest sends you to Merdhin Tundra.)

----------------------------------------------MERDHIN TUNDRA-----------------------------------------------------------

Unable To Fly.
Holy Tree Sapling.
Separate Investigations.
Missing Investigator.
(30.0,69.5 Alahna Dikat)
Demon's Request.
Is It Guidance Or A Trap?
Consciousness Restored.
(Report to Iswan, then to Nynke)
Gushing Ice Flower.
Purify The Holy Tree Sapling.
Help From The Dragons.
Echo's Response.
Matter Report.
(Panilor has 2 other quests, these are not part of the main quest line.)
Indiscernible Meaning.
Aide's Night Speak.
(Talk to Ailess, then Sabinda (31.5,56.2), then return to Ailess.)
Ceremony Preparations.
Finding Hope Deep in Consciousness.
(Talk to Nynke, fight off the waves of mobs until quest completes.)
Accidental Arrival.
Ceremonial Fire.
(1st - 37.3,55.9 2nd - 31.7,60.2 3rd - 28.5,51.2 4th - 25.3,59.4)
Disoriented Holy Tree.
Former Brother In Arms.
(Just keep spam talking to Jill until quest completes. It WILL complete it just may take a bit.)
The Usefulness Of Herbal Knowledge.
Air Strike.
Cleaning Up The Mess.
Little Effort.
Convoy in Trouble.
(Talk to Jenny Fokas to get this quest.)
Do Well And Have Well.
(You MUST complete this quest to complete the quest Convoy in Trouble.)
Emergency Defense.
(Talk to Ashley Sudd to get this quest. Talk to her again to spawn the mobs needed to complete it.)
Diffuse Memory.
(Talk to Kargath Duran to get this quest. Talk to Tigen Silla to complete it.)
The Missing Commander.
Truth or Lies.
(Do the quest from Olotia in Midnight Whispers Camp that gives you Holy Tree Fruit for part of this quest. For the Gray King's Talisman, you can either get it from a chest or from killing the Gray King. I would suggest getting it fromt he chest as all you have to contend with are mobs. You can put the chest on follow from your quest log.)
Storage Cube.
Know Thyself.
(You need to do the quest from Olotia in Midnight Whispers camp for the Holy Tree Fruit again. Then go back to where you accepted the quest and talk to the Ailic's Aide.)
Turning Point.
Wise Counsel.
(I am not all that sure as to how to complete this quest properly. I just randomly clicked a colored device and then the recorder device, in no particular order until it completed.)
All Prepared.
Secret of a Deceit.
(Sismond doesn't tell you jack about what you should do for this quest. I found out by trial and error that you click the skeleton mage in front of Sismond to get the scene to start.)
Drafting Countermeasures.
(>.< My laptop had never been in so much danger of being hurled by the time I reached this quest. This quest requires you to go to Redhill, NJF and SJF. Click each "Lord" then right click the letter in your pack. Ronick is the Kalon Lord, Hettie Giant is the Lady of Shador in SJF, and I'll be damned if I can remember the name of the "lord" in NJF right now but it's the one that was going to take you into RT. She's located in the last tent on the left in Angren before you head up to RT.)
Firefly's Victory.
Deceptive Maneuvers.
Caught In One Sweep.
Friends and Foes.
Unfinished Business.
(This quest takes you to Syrbal Pass.)

-----------------------------------------------------Syrbal Pass----------------------------------------------------------------

Shadow of a Dragon.
(The quest tells you to talk to Aron Red. The NPC's name is actually Aron Dray.)
Haunted By Nightmares.
Reality of a Dream.
(Go to Aron Dray to get the item, then come back and use it on Morrok.)
Omen of the Dark.
A Bright Farewell.
A Mysterious Woman.
A Fortune Teller.
Voluntary Disclosure.
The Perished City's Answer.
Unsettling Prophecy.
Odd Things Happening.
Extreme Conditions, Extreme Responses.
A Glimpse of Hope.
Morrok and jill.
Finding the Mysterious Woman.
The Gubod's Straw.
Earth and Bones.
(Yes, the lava DOES inflict damage on you so be careful.)
The Frost Dragon's Son.
A Dragon's Prophecy.
A Change of Mind.
Asking Forgiveness.
Finding A Way Out.
Looking Lost.
Hard Shell, Soft Core.
(Panilor's Helmet - 40.8,73.6 - It is on top of the tent. You have to run around to the cliff behind Panilor, where you talked to Jill, to get on top of the tent. I used my mount and it was easier for me. Go up above the box and inch your way down to it. Get close enough to get a gear that doesn't have the red line thru it without sliding or jumping. Good Luck!! This quest took me 30 minutes to finish.
Panilor's Breastplate - 41.4,69.2 - Also on top of the tent so same thing goes. I stood behind the box, close to the edge of the tent and managed to get it without sliding or jumping.
Panilor's Leg Armor - 40.6,75.6 - It is in the tree above the tent. Go back to where the tree comes up out of the ground at 37.0,76.1 to get to this box. Once again ... Good Luck!!)
Turning The Tide.
The Price To Pay.
Death of a Hero.
Slander's Blessing.
A Voyager's Return.
Maderoth's Invitation.
The Light Dragon's Mission.
King of the Fire.
Dragons and Killers.
Two Voices.
Death of the Dragons.