This list is something I've been meaning to get around to for quite some time now but I kept putting it off, mainly because I was simply to lazy to hunt down all of the links for all of the addons, but boredom has finally overcome my laziness, so here goes.
Curse Client - (This is not so much an addon as an addon manager. It allows you to download many addons right from it's interface without having to download the addon itself then unzip it and put it in it's respective folder. There are some addons however that you cannot download through Curse Client and have to do so manually. I'll get to how to do that later.)
And now on to the actual addons!! The following list is what I use personally and I just went down my list. I am including the links to these addons as there are some people out there, *coughNannerscough* that do not use Curse Client and prefer to install their addons manually. Again, I'll get to that process in a bit.
Addon Manager - - Allows ingame monitoring of registered addons. Not all addons are compatible with Addon Manager but most are.
Advanced Auction House - - Highly recommended addon. Allows more versatility and functions when accessing the in game AH interface.
Advanced Combat Log - - Customizable replacement for the stock Combat Log.
Advanced Quest Book - - Expanded questing help.
Advanced Cash Shop - - This one is for those that buy dias in game. It allows the user to send more than one present at a time from the CS.
Auto Accept Invitation - - Automates joining a party.
Auto Repair - - By far one of the MOST useful addons I've ever found. It automates the equipment repair function whenever you talk to a merchant that offers the repair service. I strongly recommend getting this one.
Buy Stack - - For those of you who do crafting with your pet alot this is a nice one. Mouse over the item you want to buy and shift + right click and it will buy the max of that item. (i.e. pet crafting tools stack to 99 so it buys 99 in one click)
Char Plan - - Great addon for making you drool over new upgraded gear. It allows you to plus, tier, stat and rune pieces of gear to preview what they will look like before you go out and buy all those expensive stats only to find out it's not that much better than what you already have.
Daily Notes - - Automates daily/public event quest turn ins.
Dungeon Loots - - Shows gear drops for every boss in game.
Fusion - - Automates the tedious tier stone making process. BE WARNED this addon can and WILL eat every piece of gear and stone you have in your bag, SO if you have good stats you don't want to be turned into dirty tier stones...take them out of your bag before using this addon.
Gather Tip - - Expanded tooltip for resources nodes. It gives level of node and your current gathering level and some other stuff.
Grid Clique It - - Healer addon. Makes healing large groups MUCH easier.
Group Invite - - Automates making a party for runs, siege, etc. People type in the keyword you set before hand and it automatically invites them to the group when that word is used in a monitored chat.
Guild Siege Quick Trade - - A must have if you siege. Automates the merit trading process.
Housekeeper Buttons - - Please see description on web site.
Inventory Viewer - - Allows you to see all of your inventory in one interface.
Invite Last Group - - Very helpful addon in farm runs. Allows the party lead to destroy/reinvite a group with just a few clicks.
Lootomatic - - Auto loot addon.
pbInfo - - Another extended tooltip addon but this time deals with npcs, mobs, bosses, etc. Also incluse a Threat Meter, Quest Tracker and Chat Log.
Pet Auto Craft - - Pretty self explanatory. See website description for more info.
Plant Care - - Automates taking care of your plants.
qUnit Frames - - Changes HUDs. See web site description for more info.
Recipe Book - - For the crafters out there, this addon shows you which of your toons can learn a recipe.
Restack - - See website description for more info.
Scrutinizer - - Shows damage done for all party members.
Stat Rating - - Helpful when deciding on what gear to get.
Titleist - - Automates changing between a passive and active title.
Ultimate Mail Mod - - A very nice mail addon. It replaces the stock mail UI. Allows taking all mails at one time and mass deletion and several other neat features.
War Record - - Shows results from sieges you participated in.
WoW Map - - Replaces stock map UI. See website description for more info.
WoW Map PoI - - Shows points of interest on the map. See website description for what all it shows.
WoW Map Instances - Keeps you from getting lost in the not so straight forward instances like NoM.
XbarIII - - See website description for info.
yGather - - Shows resource nodes on map. This addon hasn't been updated in awhile so resources in the new zones are not currently showing up.
As, I said before, this is the list of addons that I have personally. Others may have different ones. If so feel free to let me know about them and I will update this list.
Now, to explain how to manually install addons.
First go to Computer>Program Files (86)>Runes of Magic.
Make sure there is a folder in the Runes of Magic Folder named Interface.
If there isn't, make one.
Inside the Interface folder, make one named Addons.
Download the addon you want to install.
Place the folder you downloaded inside the Addons folder you created.
Restart your game.
Voila!! Addon installed.
When an update comes out for an addon you will need to delete the old folder for that addon before moving the new folder in, otherwise you will end up with a jacked up game or a game that might not start at all.
If you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me in game, on Facebook or leave a comment on this post and I'll get to it asap.
Thanks for reading,
Friday, April 5, 2013
Useful Addons
3:05 PM
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