Let me start by saying thank you to Maxxinepadd for finding all of the different level cooking recipes for me so I could actually write this post. Thanks Maxxi. :D
Food makes a big difference in your attack/damage power, defense, critical hits and a lot of other things. Many high level burn rotations start with popping certain foods before any actual skill is used. I've done my best, with Max's help, to come up with a suitable list of foods many of the different classes use. I started with the 55 food because that is typically where I start using foods, as that is normally when I first start running instances such as HoS, ZS, DL, etc. There has been a long, ongoing discussion on whether it is better to use attack or damage food at certain points in the game. Personally, on my Mage/Warden I have always used mdam food. I have just always seen a higher damage output with it than with mattk food. I use mdam food on my P/K as well but that's because mdam affects heals whereas mattk does not. So, all in all it will be up to you to decide which kind of food you want to use. Experiment with it and see what gives you a better damage output. You might notice in some instances you will have higher damage output with an attack food over a damage food and vice versa. It all basically comes down to how you want to play. :D
Level 55
Doom's Banquet
Dragon's Banquet
Dinner of the Gods
Ritual Eucharist
Exquisite Tea Scented Waffle
Level 60
Lightly Burnt Ribs
Lightly Burnt Fish
Lettuce Sandwich
Loaf of Magic Hard Bread
Chocolate Cake
Level 65
Spiced Rack of Ribs
Spiced Roast Fish
Meat Sandwich
Loaf of Handmade Black Bread
Level 70
Broiled Ribs
Broiled Fish
Fried Egg Sandwich
Light Fluffy Bread
Butter Cream Cake
There are some foods that you will use no matter what class you are or, in some cases, how high your level is.
Caviar Sandwich
Garlic Bread - Healer food
Moti Blended Sausage
Rainbow Crystal Candy
Grassland Mix - This is not a food that is made from a recipe. It is a codex food.
This is just a run down of the basic foods that many people use. Each named food is linked to it's page at runesdatabase.com. Try it out and see what works best for you. If you have any questions, feel free to message me on Facebook, in game or leave a comment here and I'll do my best to help. Also, if you know of something that got missed, let me know. :D
Have a great one!!
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Useful Foods
11:48 AM
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