Tuesday, April 9, 2013


Pets are an important part of your adventures in RoM. Not only do they provide a companion that doesn't argue with you while questing (that's debatable though because my pets all talk to dang much), they also provide attribute increases and have several active skills that can be utilized at random intervals. I know I have personally asked many, MANY questions about how the pet system works. What is the best way to level my pet? How do I get my pet's aptitude up? Etc, etc, etc. I've had many people ask me the same questions. My answer? I cheat. I use the potions from the Cash Shop to level my pet and to also raise the apt. Some people aren't pay to play though and need to know other ways of dealing with their pets. So, on that note, I scoured the forums and other sites for everything I could possibly find about the pet system and the pets themselves. I hope this helps.

This is by far the best newbie guide I have found as far as the explanation of the pet system goes:
Newbie Guide to Pets - http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=53601

This one tells more about merging pets:
A Complete Guide to Pets - http://forum.us.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=44260

This is a general overview of pets from the RoM Wiki:
Magic Pets - http://runesofmagic.gamepedia.com/Magic_Pets

Another one from the RoM Wiki, this one tells the locations of the Pet Hunters and also the pet transformation potions that can be found in the Cash Shop:
Pets - http://runesofmagic.gamepedia.com/Pets

Another generalized page. This one is from the actual RoM Website:
Tutorial - Pets - http://us.runesofmagic.com/pets.html

Here is a very in depth one from the forums that starts you off with catching your first pet:
Bigger New Pet Guide with pictures and better understanding - https://forum.runesofmagic.com/showthread.php?t=243862

This is a list of the pets and their skills. I'm not sure exactly how accurate it is as it was posted in 2010, but I looked up my fungus pet on it and it had the right skills and values for it:
RoM Pets list & skills - http://romwiki.org/blog/runes-of-magic-pets-list-skills/

Youtube video by Solissfoon (he's the one you see in World Chat giving away free stuff for answering questions and such, lol) describing the pet system:
Pet Guide! (part1) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rI9k4awhqBs

There are several more guides and videos out there, these are just the best that I found. If, after you've gone through all of the information listed above, you still have questions about pets and how they work feel free to message me on facebook, in game or leave a comment here. I will try to help as best I can.

By the way, I left Zodiac pets out of this post on purpose. They deserve their own post since you interact differently with the zodiac pet system than you would with the regular pet system. That is next on my list of things to do. :D

Have a great one!!


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